Searching for cheap Page auto insurance online can seem to be intimidating for people who are new to comparison shopping online. Because there are so many insurers to choose from, how can you even start to compare them all to find the cheapest available price?
You should take the time to compare rates once or twice a year since insurance rates tend to go up over time. Even if you think you had the lowest price a year ago you will most likely find a better rate today. Forget all the misinformation about auto insurance because you’re about to find out how to use online quotes to find great coverage at a great price.
How to Compare Page Auto Insurance Costs
Comparing auto insurance rates is a ton of work if you don’t utilize the most efficient way to do it. You could spend your day driving to local insurance agents in Page, or you can utilize online quoting to get pricing more quickly.
Many insurance companies participate in a marketplace that allows shoppers to enter their coverage request one time, and at least one company returns a competitive quote based on the submitted data. This eliminates the need for form submissions for every auto insurance company.
To access this free quoting program, click to open in new window.
One minor caviat to using this type of form is that consumers can’t choose the providers to get pricing from. So if you prefer to choose specific insurance companies to compare prices, we put together a list of the cheapest auto insurance companies in Arizona. Click to view list.
However you get your quotes, double check that you are using apples-to-apples coverages and limits with each company. If you have unequal deductibles or liability limits it will be very difficult to make a fair comparison in Page.
Cut your premium with discounts
Properly insuring your vehicles can get expensive, but you can get discounts that you may not know about. Some discounts apply automatically at the time you complete a quote, but lesser-known reductions have to be requested specifically before they will apply. If you don’t get every credit you deserve, you’re paying more than you need to.
- One Accident Forgiven – A few companies permit an accident before your rates go up as long as you don’t have any claims prior to the accident.
- Accident Free – Drivers who don’t have accidents pay less compared to accident-prone drivers.
- Good Student – Getting good grades can get you a discount of up to 25%. This discount can apply well after school through age 25.
- Service Members Pay Less – Having a deployed family member can result in better rates.
- Theft Prevention System – Anti-theft and alarm systems help deter theft and earn discounts up to 10%.
- Seat Belts Save more than Lives – Drivers who require all occupants to use a seat belt could cut 10% or more off your medical payments premium.
- Life Insurance Discount – Companies who offer life insurance give lower rates if you buy life insurance.
- Early Switch Discount – Some companies give discounts for signing up prior to your current policy expiration. It’s a savings of about 10%.
- College Student – Kids in college who attend school more than 100 miles from home without a vehicle on campus can receive lower rates.
- Paperwork-free – Some insurance companies may give you up to $50 for buying a policy and signing up digitally online.
A little note about advertised discounts, some of the credits will not apply to all coverage premiums. Most only apply to the cost of specific coverages such as comprehensive or collision. So even though it sounds like it’s possible to get free car insurance, companies don’t profit that way. But any discount will help reduce the amount you have to pay.
Your local neighborhood insurance agent
Some people would prefer to talk to a local agent and there is nothing wrong with that. Professional agents can help determine the best coverages and help you file claims. One of the great benefits of comparing rates online is that you can obtain better rates and still choose a local agent. And supporting local businesses is important particularly in Page.
To make it easy to find an agent, after completing this simple form, your information is sent to local insurance agents in Page who will give you bids for your insurance coverage. There is no need to even leave your home due to the fact that quote results will go to the email address you provide. It doesn’t get any easier!
Not all auto insurance agents are the same
When finding a good Page insurance agent, you must know there are a couple types of insurance agents that differ in how they can insure your vehicles. Agents are either independent (non-captive) or captive. Both types can do a good job, but it’s important to know how they are different because it can impact your agent selection.
Independent Agents (or Brokers)
These agents are not employed by any specific company so they can insure your vehicles with multiple insurance companies depending on which coverage is best. If your agent finds better pricing, an independent agent can move your coverage and you don’t have to find a new agent. When comparison shopping, you should always include price quotes from at a minimum one independent agency for maximum quote selection. Many write coverage with smaller companies who may have lower rates.
The following are Page independent agencies that are able to give comparison quotes.
- Scott L Larson Insurance Inc – 100 N 9th Ave – Page, AZ 86040 – (928) 645-3330
- Warner Insurance – 904 N Navajo Dr – Page, AZ 86040 – (928) 645-2136
Captive Insurance Agents
Captive agencies can only write with one company and examples are Allstate, Farmers Insurance, State Farm and AAA. They are unable to give you multiple price quotes so they have no alternatives for high prices. These agents are well schooled on their products and sales techniques which helps them sell insurance even at higher premiums. Consumers sometimes choose to use a captive agent mostly because of the prominence of the brand and strong financial ratings.
The following is a short list of captive agencies in Page willing to provide price quote information.
- Farmers Insurance Group – 28 Lake Powell Blvd – Page, AZ 86040 – (928) 645-5518
- American Family Insurance – 608 Elm St – Page, AZ 86040 – (928) 645-0906
For a full directory of Page captive insurance agencies, go to this page.
Selecting an insurance agency shouldn’t rely on just the premium amount. Agents should be asked these questions:
- Is vehicle mileage a factor when determining depreciation for repairs?
- Does the agency support the community they serve?
- How much will you save each year by using a higher deductible?
- If your car is totalled, how to they determine the replacement cost?
- Is assistance available after office hours?
Once you have received good answers for all questions you ask in addition to an acceptable price estimate, most likely you have located an auto insurance agent that is a good match to provide auto insurance coverage.
Is my situation unique?
When choosing proper insurance coverage, there really is no best way to insure your cars. Everyone’s situation is unique.
For instance, these questions can help discover if your situation would benefit from an agent’s advice.
- Can my teen driver be rated on a liability-only vehicle?
- Should I have combined single limit or split liability limits?
- Am I covered when driving on a suspended license?
- Is a new car covered when I drive it off the dealer lot?
- Is my babysitter covered when using my vehicle?
- Why am I required to get a high-risk car insurance policy?
- Should I buy more coverage than the required Arizona minimum liability coverage?
If you’re not sure about those questions but a few of them apply, you may need to chat with a licensed agent. If you want to speak to an agent in your area, take a second and complete this form. It’s fast, free and can provide invaluable advice.
Tips to Get Lower Page Rates
Consumers need to have an understanding of some of the elements that play a part in calculating the rates you pay for auto insurance. When you know what positively or negatively determines base rates helps enable you to make changes that could result in better auto insurance rates.
- Extra coverages can waste money – There are a lot of additional coverages you can purchase if you aren’t careful. Things like roadside assistance, better glass coverage and membership fees may be wasting your money. These coverages may sound good when talking to your agent, but your needs may have changed so remove them from your policy.
- Better credit means lower rates – Having a bad credit score is a important factor in your rate calculation. Consumers who have excellent credit tend to be less risk to insure than those with lower ratings. Therefore, if your credit history is low, you could pay less to insure your by spending a little time repairing your credit.
- Type of vehicle determines base rates – The performance of the vehicle you are buying insurance for makes a huge difference in how high your rates are. Low performance passenger vehicles generally have the cheapest insurance rates, but the cost you end up paying is determined by many additional factors.
- Increase deductibles and save – Physical damage coverage, otherwise known as comp (or other than collision) and collision, is used to repair damage to your car. A few examples of covered claims are running into the backend of another car, vandalism, and windstorm damage. The deductibles are how much you are willing to pay out-of-pocket in the event of a claim. The more money you have to pay, the less your auto insurance will be.
- Traffic citations inflate rates – Even a single moving violation can boost insurance rates twenty percent or more. Careful drivers receive lower rates compared to drivers with tickets. Drivers who get flagrant violations like reckless driving, hit and run or driving under the influence may be required to submit a SR-22 or proof of financial responsibility with their state DMV in order to keep their license.
- High crash test scores lower rates – Cars with high safety ratings get lower rates. Safe vehicles have better occupant injury protection and lower injury rates translates into savings for insurance companies and more competitive rates for policyholders.
Online plus local equals savings
Budget-conscious auto insurance is possible on the web in addition to many Page insurance agents, and you should be comparing both to have the best rate selection. There are still a few companies who do not provide you the ability to get quotes online and most of the time these smaller companies sell through independent agents.
Insureds leave their current company for any number of reasons including being labeled a high risk driver, delays in paying claims, delays in responding to claim requests and even extreme rates for teen drivers. Whatever your reason, finding a new auto insurance company can be easy and end up saving you some money.
As you shop your coverage around, it’s not a good idea to reduce needed coverages to save money. In too many instances, someone sacrificed liability limits or collision coverage and found out when filing a claim that a couple dollars of savings turned into a financial nightmare. The proper strategy is to buy a smart amount of coverage for the lowest price, not the least amount of coverage.
More information can be found on the Arizona Department of Insurance website through this link. Arizona drivers can learn about insurance regulations, download brochures, and read consumer alerts.