Having to pay for overpriced car insurance can overdraw your savings account and make it hard to pay other bills. Shopping your coverage around is a smart way to slash your bill and have more diposable income. Drivers have multiple auto insurance companies to buy insurance from, and although it’s nice to have a choice, it can be more difficult to find a good deal.
Consumers should take time to compare prices occasionally because rates change frequently. Even if you think you had the lowest rates last year you will most likely find a better rate today. Forget anything you know (or think you know) about car insurance because you’re about to learn one of the quickest ways to find better coverage at a better price.
Finding affordable coverage in Oklahoma City is not rocket science. If you have insurance now or need a new policy, you can use these tips to get lower rates and still get good coverage. Oklahoma consumers just need to understand the tricks to compare prices online.
How to Compare Oklahoma City Car Insurance Costs
Most major insurance companies quote prices on their websites. The process doesn’t take much effort as you simply type in your personal and coverage information into the quote form. Behind the scenes, the company’s rating system orders your credit score and driving record and returns a price quote based on these and other factors. This makes comparing rates easy, but the time it takes to visit each company’s website and repetitively fill out multiple forms can be a bit repetitive. Unfortunately, it is important to compare as many rates as possible in order to get the lowest price.
The better way to compare rates
The easiest way to find cheaper rates utilizes a single form to return rates from a lot of companies. The form is fast, eliminates repetitive work, and makes price shopping online much more enjoyable. After your information is entered, it is rated and you can choose any of the quote results. If a lower price is quoted, you can simply submit the application and buy the policy. This process takes 15 minutes at the most and may result in a nice savings.
To quickly compare rates using this form now, click here to open in a new tab and enter your vehicle and coverage information. If you have your current policy handy, we recommend that you enter the limits and deductibles exactly as they are listed on your policy. Doing this guarantees you’re receiving comparison quotes using the same coverage and limits.
More discounts equal less premium
Companies don’t always list all available discounts very clearly, so we researched both the well known and the more hidden car insurance savings. If you’re not getting every credit available, you’re paying more than you need to.
- Student in College – Any of your kids living away from home attending college and do not have a car may qualify for this discount.
- Own a Home – Being a homeowner may earn you a small savings because maintaining a house demonstrates responsibility.
- One Accident Forgiven – A few companies allow you one accident before hitting you with a surcharge if your claims history is clear for a particular time prior to the accident.
- Anti-theft Discount – Anti-theft and alarm systems prevent vehicle theft and will save you 10% or more.
- Discount for New Cars – Adding a new car to your policy is cheaper compared to insuring an older model.
- Defensive Driver – Taking part in a course in driver safety could possibly earn you a 5% discount if you qualify.
- Student Driver Training – Have your child take driver’s ed class if offered at their school.
- Paperless Signup – A few companies will discount your bill up to fifty bucks for buying a policy and signing up over the internet.
- Accident Free – Good drivers with no accidents pay much less as compared to frequent claim filers.
As a disclaimer on discounts, most discount credits are not given to the entire policy premium. Most only cut the cost of specific coverages such as liability and collision coverage. So when the math indicates adding up those discounts means a free policy, car insurance companies aren’t that generous.
To choose insurers offering car insurance discounts in Oklahoma, click this link.
Which policy gives me the best coverage?
When it comes to choosing the best car insurance coverage for your vehicles, there really is no “best” method to buy coverage. Everyone’s needs are different and a cookie cutter policy won’t apply. These are some specific questions could help you determine whether your personal situation might need professional guidance.
- Is my teen driver covered when they drive my company car?
- Do I have coverage when pulling a U-Haul trailer?
- Where can I get insurance after a DUI in Oklahoma?
- What is the minimum liability in Oklahoma?
- Will my rates increase for filing one claim?
- When should I remove comp and collision on my vehicle?
- What if I don’t agree with a claim settlement offer?
- Do I qualify for additional discounts?
- When should my teen driver be added to my policy?
- Is borrowed equipment or tools covered if stolen or damaged?
If it’s difficult to answer those questions but you know they apply to you then you might want to talk to a licensed insurance agent. To find lower rates from a local agent, simply complete this short form or you can go here for a list of companies in your area. It is quick, free and may give you better protection.
Read more about Oklahoma car insurance
Additional detailed information is located at the Oklahoma Insurance Department website. Consumers can file complaints about a company, learn about specific coverages, read industry bulletins, and find a variety of consumer forms.