Overpriced auto insurance can dwindle your personal savings and put the squeeze on your family’s finances. Shopping your coverage around is free and is an excellent way to make sure you’re not throwing money away.
Big-name insurance companies like Allstate, Progressive and Geico constantly bombard you with TV and radio ads and it is difficult to ignore the flying pigs and cute green geckos and take the time to shop coverage around.
It’s a good habit to take a look at other company’s rates before your policy renews due to the fact that insurance rates trend upward over time. Just because you found the lowest price a few years ago other companies may now be cheaper. So block out anything you think you know about auto insurance because you’re about to learn the easiest way to save money, get proper coverage and the best rates.
How to Compare Dallas Auto Insurance Costs
Most companies such as Allstate, Geico and Progressive allow you to get coverage prices on the web. Getting quotes doesn’t take a lot of time as you simply type in your coverage information as detailed in the form. Behind the scenes, their rating system automatically retrieves reports for credit and driving violations and returns a price based on these factors. This streamlines rate comparisons, but the time it takes to visit multiple sites and enter the same data into a form is repetitive and time-consuming. But it’s very important to compare as many rates as possible in order to find a better rate.
There is a better way to compare rates
The preferred way to find better auto insurance pricing requires only one form to obtain quotes from more than one company. It’s a real time-saver, eliminates form submissions, and makes online quotes much more enjoyable. After sending your information, it is rated and you can select any one of the quotes returned.
If one or more price quotes are lower than your current rates, you can simply submit the application and buy the policy. The entire process takes just a few minutes to complete and you’ll know if lower rates are available.
To compare rates using this form now, click here to open in a new tab and input your coverage information. If you have your current policy handy, we recommend you type in deductibles and limits just like they are on your policy. This ensures you are getting a fair comparison based on the exact same insurance coverage.
Advertising myths
Auto insurance companies such as Allstate, Geico and Progressive regularly use television and radio advertisements. They all seem to make an identical promise that you’ll save big if you move to their company. But how can every company say the same thing?
Different companies can use profiling for the driver that is profitable for them. A good example of a preferred risk could possibly be between the ages of 30 and 50, has no tickets, and has excellent credit. A propective insured who fits that profile will get very good rates and therefore will save quite a bit of money when switching.
Potential insureds who fall outside the “perfect” profile will be charged higher premiums which usually ends up with business not being written. The ads state “customers that switch” but not “drivers who get quotes” save that much money. That’s why insurance companies can advertise the way they do.
That is why you absolutely need to quote coverage with many companies. Because you never know which auto insurance company will give you the biggest savings.
Are you getting all your discounts?
The price of auto insurance can be rather high, but discounts can save money and there are some available to reduce the price significantly. A few discounts will automatically apply when you get a quote, but some must be manually applied before they will apply.
- Seat Belts Save more than Lives – Using a seat belt and requiring all passengers to use their safety belts can save up to 15% on the medical payments or PIP coverage costs.
- Driver’s Ed – Cut your cost by having your teen driver enroll in driver’s education in high school.
- 55 and Retired – Older drivers may receive a discount up to 10%.
- Safe Drivers – Safe drivers can pay as much as 50% less than their less cautious counterparts.
- Resident Student – Any of your kids living away from home attending college and do not have access to a covered vehicle may be able to be covered for less.
- Driver Safety – Taking part in a driver safety course could cut 5% off your bill and easily recoup the cost of the course.
As a disclaimer on discounts, many deductions do not apply to the entire policy premium. Most cut the price of certain insurance coverages like physical damage coverage or medical payments. So despite the fact that it appears you can get free auto insurance, auto insurance companies aren’t that generous. Any qualifying discounts will bring down the cost of coverage.
To choose companies who offer auto insurance discounts in Texas, follow this link.
When might I need an agent?
When choosing proper insurance coverage for your vehicles, there really is no best way to insure your cars. Your needs are not the same as everyone else’s so this has to be addressed. These are some specific questions might point out if your situation would benefit from professional advice.
- Do I benefit by insuring my home with the same company?
- Is Texas a no-fault state?
- Will my vehicle be repaired with OEM or aftermarket parts?
- Why am I be forced to buy a membership to get insurance from some companies?
- Are my tools covered if they get stolen from my vehicle?
- What are the best liability limits?
- Why am I required to buy high-risk coverage?
- Is my vehicle covered by my employer’s policy when using it for work?
- Do I have coverage when using my vehicle for my home business?
- What should my uninsured motorist coverage limits be in Texas?
If you’re not sure about those questions but one or more may apply to you, you might consider talking to an insurance agent. To find an agent in your area, simply complete this short form or go to this page to view a list of companies.
Additional information is located on the website for the Texas Department of Insurance located here. Consumers can learn about specific coverages, find out industry alerts, and read enforcement actions against agents and companies.
Online plus local equals savings
Low-cost auto insurance is definitely available on the web and with local Dallas insurance agents, and you should compare price quotes from both so you have a total pricing picture. Some companies do not offer you the ability to get quotes online and these small, regional companies work with independent agents.
When shopping online for auto insurance, it’s not a good idea to skimp on critical coverages to save a buck or two. There are a lot of situations where someone dropped collision coverage only to find out they didn’t have enough coverage. The aim is to buy a smart amount of coverage for the lowest price while still protecting your assets.