Having to pay for overpriced auto insurance can empty your accounts, especially in this economy. Doing a price comparison can save money and help to reduce premiums and put more money in your pocket.
With vehicle owners having so many insurance companies to choose from, it’s nearly impossible to locate the right insurance company.
Consumers need to take a look at other company’s rates on a regular basis since prices change frequently. If you had the lowest rates six months ago a different company probably has better premium rates today. Forget anything you know (or think you know) about auto insurance because I’m going to let you in on the secrets to one of the easiest ways to find the best coverage while lowering your premiums.
How to buy auto insurance in Morrilton, Arkansas
There are several ways to compare rate quotes from all the different companies. The quickest method to find the cheapest insurance rates consists of shopping online. It’s really quite simple and can be done by using one of the methods below.
- Without a doubt, the easiest way to get quotes would be an industry-wide quote request form click to view form in new window. This type of form eliminates the need for repetitive form entry for each price estimate. One simple form will get you rate comparisons from multiple low-cost companies.
- A more difficult way to find more affordable insurance consists of visiting each company website and get a separate price quote. For example, we’ll pretend you want to get rates from Nationwide, Progressive and State Farm. You would have to take the time to go to each site and punch in your information repeatedly, which explains why we recommend starting with the first method. For a handy list of car insurance company links in Morrilton, click here.
Whichever way you choose to compare rates, do your best to use identical quote information for every quote you compare. If you enter differing limits then you won’t be able to determine the best price in Morrilton. Just slight variations in limits can make a big difference in price. Just remember that obtaining a wide range of quotes helps you find the best price.
Find discounts on Arkansas auto insurance
Some insurers don’t always advertise every discount very well, so the following list contains a few of the more well known in addition to some of the lesser obvious credits available to bring down your rates.
- Driver Training Discounts – Completing a course teaching defensive driver skills could cut 5% off your bill if you qualify.
- Auto/Life Discount – Not all insurance companies offer life insurance, but some may give you a lower premium rate if you buy some life insurance in addition to your auto policy.
- Full Payment Discount – If you can afford to pay the entire bill instead of monthly or quarterly installments you can actually save on your bill.
- Accident Forgiveness – Not necessarily a discount, but certain companies will turn a blind eye to one accident without raising rates so long as you haven’t had any claims prior to being involved in the accident.
- Braking Control Discount – Cars and trucks that have steering control and anti-lock brakes are safer to drive and will save you 10% or more.
- Military Deployment Discount – Being on active duty in the military may lower your premium rates slightly.
- Policy Bundle Discount – When you have multiple policies and insure them with the same company you could get a discount of as much as 10 to 15 percent.
- Student Driver Training – Cut your cost by having your teen driver enroll and complete driver’s education as it can save substantially.
- Telematics Data Discounts – Insureds that choose to allow driving data submission to spy on vehicle usage by using a telematics device such as Snapshot from Progressive or Drivewise from Allstate might get better premium rates if they exhibit good driving behavior.
- Claim Free – Insureds with no claims or accidents pay much less as opposed to drivers who are more careless.
One thing to note about discounts is that most credits do not apply to your bottom line cost. The majority will only reduce individual premiums such as liability and collision coverage. So even though it sounds like it’s possible to get free car insurance, it doesn’t quite work that way. Any amount of discount will bring down your overall premium however.
A partial list of companies that have some of the above discounts include:
Before buying, ask each insurance company what discounts are available to you. Some discounts may not be available in Morrilton.
Informative consumer insurance sites
Additional information can be found on the Arkansas Insurance Department website through this link. Arkansas consumers can read industry bulletins, file complaints about an insurance agent or broker, and read enforcement actions against agents and companies.
Other informative sites include this online resource for free quotes in Arkansas and CarInsuranceDIY.com.