Scraping up a payment for overpriced auto insurance can dwindle your savings account and put the squeeze on your family’s finances. Comparing price quotes is free and is an excellent way to reduce premiums and put more money in your pocket. You have so many auto insurance companies to pick from, and though it is a good thing to have multiple companies, lots of choices makes it harder to locate the cheapest rates.
Companies offer discounts so take them!
Car insurance can cost a lot, but you can get discounts to help bring down the price. A few discounts will automatically apply at quote time, but some must be specifically requested before you get the savings. If you’re not getting every credit you qualify for, you are throwing money away.
- Multi-policy Discount – If you have multiple policies with one company you may earn at least 10% off all policies.
- Lower Rates for Military – Having a deployed family member can result in better rates.
- Multiple Cars – Insuring all your vehicles on one policy could earn a price break for each car.
- No Claims – Drivers who don’t have accidents pay less when compared to frequent claim filers.
- Low Mileage Discounts – Driving fewer miles can qualify you for discounted rates on garaged vehicles.
- Sign Online – A few companies will discount your bill up to fifty bucks for buying your policy over the internet.
- Pay Upfront and Save – If paying your policy premium upfront instead of paying each month you could save 5% or more.
- Homeowners Discount – Owning a house in Oskaloosa can save you money because maintaining a house requires personal responsibility.
- Distant Student – Youth drivers who attend school more than 100 miles from home without a vehicle on campus may be able to be covered for less.
- Theft Prevention Discount – Cars that have factory anti-theft systems are stolen less frequently and will save you 10% or more.
Consumers should know that many deductions do not apply to all coverage premiums. The majority will only reduce the cost of specific coverages such as comp or med pay. So when the math indicates you could get a free auto insurance policy, you won’t be that lucky. Any amount of discount will bring down your overall premium however.
To choose insurers with the best auto insurance discounts in Iowa, follow this link.
Oskaloosa Auto Insurance Prices Online
Finding cheaper auto insurance prices is surprisingly easy. All you need to do is take a few minutes comparing rates from different insurance companies. It is quite easy and can be accomplished using a couple different methods.
The most efficient way to find the lowest comparison rates is to use a rate comparison form (click to open form in new window). This easy form eliminates the need for repetitive form submissions to each individual auto insurance company. Completing one form will get you price quotes direct from many companies.
A harder way to find lower rates requires visiting the website of each company to request a price quote. For example, let’s assume you want comparison quotes from Allstate, Liberty Mutual and Farmers. You would have to take the time to go to each site to enter your coverage information, which is why the first method is quicker. To view a list of companies in Oskaloosa, click here.
The hardest method to compare rates is driving around to insurance agents’ offices. The ability to buy insurance online makes this process obsolete unless you require the personal advice that only a license agent can provide. Drivers can comparison shop your insurance online and get advice from an agent in your area. We’ll cover that shortly.
Whichever method you choose, compare identical coverages on every quote. If the quotes have different limits and deductibles on each one you can’t possibly make a fair comparison in Oskaloosa.
Smart Consumers Save More
Smart consumers have a good feel for the rating factors that play a part in calculating the rates you pay for auto insurance. Knowing what determines base rates allows you to make educated decisions that will entitle you to big savings.
- Drive a safer car and pay less – Vehicles with high crash test scores can get you lower premiums. The safest vehicles result in less severe injuries and fewer injuries means lower claim amounts passed on to you as lower rates.
- Frequent auto insurance claims increase rates – If you frequently file small claims, you can pretty much guarantee either higher rates or even cancellation. Auto insurance companies in Iowa give better rates to insureds who do not rely on their insurance for small claims. Car insurance is meant to be used in the event of the large, substantial claims.
- Optional equipment can affect rates – Owning a car with an alarm system can help bring down rates. Theft prevention features such as LoJack tracking devices, vehicle tamper alarm systems or GM’s OnStar system can help prevent your car from being stolen.
- Little extras can really add up – There are many extra bells and whistles that you can buy on your policy. Things like rental car reimbursement, towing coverage and membership fees are examples of these. They may seem good when you first buy your policy, but your needs may have changed so remove them from your policy.
- Your location is important – Choosing to live in a rural area is a positive aspect when buying auto insurance. Drivers in populated areas have more traffic problems and a longer drive to work. Fewer drivers means fewer accidents.
- Lower miles equals lower premium – The higher the mileage driven in a year’s time the higher your rate. Most insurance companies charge to insure your cars based on how the vehicle is used. Autos used primarily for pleasure use qualify for better rates than those used for commuting. Double check that your auto insurance declarations sheet is rated on the correct usage for each vehicle.
Don’t assume everyone needs the same coverage
When buying coverage, there really is no perfect coverage plan. Every insured’s situation is different so your insurance should reflect that Here are some questions about coverages that can help discover whether you will benefit from professional help.
- At what point should I drop full coverage?
- Why does it cost so much to insure a teen driver in Oskaloosa?
- Should I put collision coverage on all my vehicles?
- Am I covered if I drive in a foreign country?
- What are the best liability limits?
- Does my insurance cover my expensive audio equipment?
If it’s difficult to answer those questions but a few of them apply then you might want to talk to a licensed agent. To find an agent in your area, simply complete this short form or you can also visit this page to select a carrier It’s fast, doesn’t cost anything and may give you better protection.
Online quotes with a local Oskaloosa insurance agent
A small number of people would prefer to sit down with an agent. Licensed agents are trained to spot inefficiencies and give you peace of mind. One of the best bonuses of price shopping on the web is the fact that you can find lower rates but also keep your business local. And supporting local insurance agencies is definitely important in Oskaloosa.
Upon completion of this quick form, your information is immediately sent to companies in Oskaloosa who will compete for your coverage. You won’t need to drive around as quotes are delivered directly to your email. How cool is that?!
Multiple types of car insurance agents in Oskaloosa
If you’re trying to find local Oskaloosa agents, you must know there are a couple types of agencies that you can select. Agencies in Oskaloosa are either captive or independent (non-captive). While both can write coverage properly, but it’s worth learning the differences since it can impact your selection of an agent.
Independent Agencies or Brokers
Independent insurance agents do not work for one specific company but rather can write business with multiple insurance companies enabling the ability to shop coverage around. To move your coverage to a new company, your agent can switch companies and you don’t have to find a new agent.
When comparison shopping, you should always get quotes from at a minimum one independent agency to get the best comparison.
Listed below are independent insurance agents in Oskaloosa that can give you comparison quotes.
Insurance Services Group – 1201 A Ave W – Oskaloosa, IA 52577 – (641) 673-3451
Walton Insurance – 213 1st Ave E – Oskaloosa, IA 52577 – (641) 673-8371
Captive Insurance Agents
Captive agencies work for only one company like State Farm, AAA and Liberty Mutual. They are unable to place coverage with different providers so always compare other rates. Captive agencies are very knowledgeable on their company’s products which helps them compete with independent agents.
The following is a list of captive insurance agencies in Oskaloosa willing to provide price quotes.
State Farm Insurance – 309 1st Ave E – Oskaloosa, IA 52577 – (641) 673-0088
Farm Bureau Insurance – 1701 3rd Ave E – Oskaloosa, IA 52577 – (641) 673-3478
American Family Insurance – 1007 S Market St – Oskaloosa, IA 52577 – (641) 673-8965
To view a complete directory of captive insurance agents in Oskaloosa, visit this site.
Picking an auto insurance agent needs to be determined by more than just a cheap price. Any agent should be forthright in answering these questions:
- What insurance company do they write the most business with?
- Do you have coverage for a rental car if your vehicle is in the repair shop?
- Will your rates increase after a single accident?
- Are glass claims handled on-site or do you have to take your vehicle to a repair shop?
- Are claims handled at the agent’s location?
- Do they review policy coverages at every renewal?
Upon getting satisfactory answers to any questions you have in addition to an acceptable price estimate, you have narrowed it down to an insurance agency that is a good match to insure your vehicles.
A little work can save a LOT of money
Cost effective auto insurance is definitely available both online and with local Oskaloosa insurance agents, so you should be comparing quotes from both to have the best rate selection. A few companies do not offer online quoting and usually these smaller companies provide coverage only through local independent agents.
You just learned some good ideas how you can compare auto insurance prices online. The key thing to remember is the more times you quote, the more likely it is that you will get a better rate. You may be surprised to find that the best price on auto insurance is with a company that doesn’t do a lot of advertising. Regional companies may have significantly lower rates on certain market segments compared to the large companies like Progressive and Geico.
Much more information about auto insurance in Iowa can be read on the website for the Iowa Insurance Division found here. Consumers can discover disciplinary actions, file complaints about an insurance agent or broker, find disaster information, and find a variety of consumer forms.