Finding cheap Clemson auto insurance on the web is difficult for consumers not familiar with shopping for insurance online. With so many choices of online companies, how can Clemson drivers even start to compare them all to find the lowest price?
Understand what determines the rate you pay
It’s important that you understand the different types of things that play a part in calculating auto insurance rates. Having a good understanding of what determines base rates enables informed choices that may reward you with lower auto insurance prices.
- Your credit rating is important – Credit score is a big factor in determining your rates. So if your credit is lower than you’d like, you could pay less to insure your by improving your rating. Drivers who have good credit tend to be better drivers and file fewer claims than drivers with poor credit.
- Adjust deductibles and save – Physical damage coverage, commonly called comprehensive (or other-than-collision) and collision coverage, protects your car from damage. Some examples of claims that would be covered are running into the backend of another car, damage from fire, or theft. The deductibles are the amount of money you are willing to pay out-of-pocket in the event of a claim. The more money the insured has to pay upfront, the bigger discount you will receive.
- Are you male or female? – Statistics have proven women are more cautious behind the wheel. However, don’t assume that women are BETTER drivers than men. They both are in accidents at a similar rate, but the male of the species cause more damage and cost insurance companies more money. Men also tend to receive more costly citations like DUI and reckless driving.
- Traffic citations inflate rates – Your driving record has a big impact on rates. Even a single speeding ticket can boost insurance rates twenty percent or more. Careful drivers tend to pay less for car insurance than their less careful counterparts. Drivers who get dangerous violations such as reckless driving, hit and run or driving under the influence may be required to file a SR-22 with the DMV in their state in order to prevent a license revocation.
Do you qualify for a discount?
Companies don’t list all available discounts very well, so here is a list some of the best known and the harder-to-find ways to save on auto insurance. If you don’t get every credit possible, you are throwing money away.
- Auto/Life Discount – Companies who offer life insurance give a discount if you purchase life insurance.
- Good Students Pay Less – This discount can be rewarded with saving of up to 25%. Earning this discount can benefit you well after school through age 25.
- Employee of Federal Government – Employees or retirees of the government could cut as much as 10% off with a few auto insurance companies.
- Homeowners Savings – Owning a home in Clemson can save you money due to the fact that maintaining a home requires personal responsibility.
- Drive Less and Save – Fewer annual miles can qualify you for a substantially lower rate.
As a disclaimer on discounts, many deductions do not apply to the overall cost of the policy. The majority will only reduce the cost of specific coverages such as liability, collision or medical payments. So despite the fact that it appears you could get a free auto insurance policy, companies wouldn’t make money that way.
To see a list of providers who offer auto insurance discounts in South Carolina, follow this link.
But buying car insurance online seems impersonal
A small number of people would prefer to buy from a licensed agent and that is a personal choice. Educated insurance agents can answer important questions and help in the event of a claim. One of the best bonuses of comparing insurance prices online is the fact that you can find better rates but still work with a licensed agent.
Upon completion of this short form, your coverage information is instantly submitted to local insurance agents in Clemson who will return price quotes for your coverage. There is no need to visit any agencies as quotes are delivered immediately to your email address. How’s that for easy!
Deciding on an insurer shouldn’t rely on just a cheap price. Here are some questions to ask:
- Are they able to influence company decisions when a claim is filed?
- Are they full-time agents?
- What insurance companies do they recommend if they are an independent agent?
- Will you be dealing directly with the agent or with a Custom Service Representative (CSR)?
- Will your rates increase after a single accident?
- If you have an accident, are you able to get your vehicle repaired at the shop of your choice?
- Are there any hidden costs in their price quote and does it include driving and credit history?
Pick the best insurance agent in Clemson for you
If you’re trying to find a reputable insurance agent or broker, you must know there are a couple types of insurance agents that differ in how they can insure your vehicles. Agents are classified as either captive or independent (non-captive). While both can insure your vehicles, but it’s worth mentioning how they differ because it can influence buying decisions.<img class="alignright" style="padding-top:15px" src="https://www.carinsurancediy.com/wp-content/uploads/ci175-82.jpg" alt="Clemson SC insurance quotes” />
Agency Captives
This type of agents are contracted to one company such as Allstate, State Farm and Farmers Insurance. Captives cannot compare other company’s rates so keep that in mind. These agents are very knowledgeable on their products and sales techniques which helps them sell insurance even at higher premiums. Some people will only purchase coverage from captives partially due to the brand legacy and strong financial ratings.
Shown below are Clemson captive agencies willing to provide price quotes.
- State Farm Insurance – 1388 Tiger Blvd # 1 – Clemson, SC 29631 – (864) 654-2420
Independent Agents
Independent insurance agents do not work for one specific company but rather can write business with many different companies and possibly get better coverage at lower prices. If you are not satisfied with one company, your agent can switch companies and that require little work on your part. When shopping rates, it’s a good idea to contact at least one independent agent for maximum quote selection.Many can place coverage with smaller companies which can be an advantage.
The following is a short list of independent insurance agents in Clemson that are able to give comparison quotes.
- Coastal Plains Insurance Inc – 906 Tiger Blvd # 5 – Clemson, SC 29631 – (864) 653-7753
- Palmetto Insurance Assoc – 115 Strode Cir – Clemson, SC 29631 – (864) 654-1220
To view a full list of licensed insurance agents in Clemson, view this link.
Once you have received satisfactory answers as well as a affordable price, it’s possible that you found an auto insurance agent that will insure your vehicles.
Which policy gives me the best coverage?
When it comes to choosing the right insurance coverage for your vehicles, there is no cookie cutter policy. Everyone’s needs are different.
These are some specific questions might point out whether your personal situation would benefit from an agent’s advice.
- Do I need motorclub coverage?
- Am I covered if I drive in a foreign country?
- Why is insurance for a teen driver so high in Clemson?
- Is my dog or cat covered if injured in an accident?
- What vehicles should carry emergency assistance coverage?
- Am I covered when renting a car or should I buy coverage from the car rental agency?
- At what point should I drop full coverage?
- How do I file an SR-22 for a DUI in South Carolina?
- Are my tools covered if they get stolen from my vehicle?
- Will I lose any money if I cancel my policy before it expires?
If it’s difficult to answer those questions but a few of them apply, then you may want to think about talking to a licensed insurance agent. To find an agent in your area, fill out this quick form. It’s fast, doesn’t cost anything and can help protect your family.
More tips and info about auto insurance can be read at the South Carolina Department of Insurance website. South Carolina drivers can read industry bulletins, view a list of available companies, and get help finding coverage.
Other informative sites include QuoteClickInsure.com and this list of insurance agents in Clemson.
The best insurance company isn’t always the cheapest
Insureds leave their current company for a number of reasons such as policy cancellation, being labeled a high risk driver, denial of a claim or not issuing a premium refund. It doesn’t matter why you want to switch switching auto insurance companies is easier than you think.
As you restructure your insurance plan, it’s not a good idea to reduce needed coverages to save money. In too many instances, an insured dropped liability coverage limits only to regret that a couple dollars of savings turned into a financial nightmare. The aim is to buy enough coverage at a price you can afford while not skimping on critical coverages.
Discount auto insurance is possible on the web and also from your neighborhood Clemson agents, and you need to price shop both to have the best rate selection. A few companies may not provide you the ability to get quotes online and usually these small, regional companies provide coverage only through local independent agents.