Things You Must Know Before Buying Wake Forest North Carolina Car Insurance Online

Finding the best price on Wake Forest car insurance can be a challenge if you’ve never compared online rate quotes. But don’t let that discourage you because there is an easy way to compare rates.

Consumers need to compare prices at least once a year due to the fact that insurance rates are usually higher with each renewal. Just because you found the lowest rates on your last policy the chances are good that you can find a lower rate today. There is a lot of wrong information about car insurance online, so we’re going to give you a lot of great tips on how to find affordable car insurance.

If you are insured now or are just looking to switch companies, you will benefit by learning to find better prices while maintaining coverages. This information will teach you the best way to quote coverages and some tricks to saving. North Carolina consumers just need to learn the proper methods to find the lowest price online.

Don’t miss out on these money-saving discounts

Car insurance can cost a lot, but you may find discounts that you may not even be aware of. A few discounts will automatically apply when you quote, but a few need to be specially asked for before you get the savings. If you don’t get every credit available, you are throwing money away.

  • Claim Free – Drivers who don’t have accidents can save substantially when compared to frequent claim filers.
  • No Charge for an Accident – Certain companies will allow you to have one accident before hitting you with a surcharge so long as you haven’t had any claims for a set time period.
  • New Car Discount – Adding a new car to your policy can be considerably cheaper since new cars are generally safer.
  • Senior Citizens – If you’re over the age of 55, you can possibly qualify for reduced rates.
  • Life Insurance – Larger companies have better rates if you take out life insurance from them.
  • Drive Less and Save – Driving fewer miles can earn a substantially lower rate.

As a disclaimer on discounts, some credits don’t apply to the entire policy premium. Most cut individual premiums such as comprehensive or collision. So when it seems like all those discounts means the company will pay you, it doesn’t quite work that way. But any discount will help reduce the amount you have to pay.

Do I need special coverages?

When buying the right insurance coverage for your personal vehicles, there isn’t really a cookie cutter policy. Everyone’s situation is unique.

For example, these questions might point out if you will benefit from professional help.<img class="alignright" style="padding-top:15px;" src="" alt="North Carolina car insurance quote”/>

  • Does my insurance cover a custom paint job?
  • Is my cargo covered for damage or theft?
  • Is my teen driver covered when they drive my company car?
  • Am I covered by my employer’s commercial auto policy when driving my personal car for business?
  • Does my policy cover me when driving someone else’s vehicle?
  • Do I have coverage if my license is suspended?

If you can’t answer these questions, you may need to chat with a licensed insurance agent. To find an agent in your area, fill out this quick form. It only takes a few minutes and can provide invaluable advice.

Slick advertising tricks that work

North Carolina consumers can’t get away from ads for cheaper car insurance by Progressive, Geico, Allstate and State Farm. They all make the same claim about savings if you switch to their company.

But how can every company make almost identical claims? It’s all in the numbers.

Different companies have a certain “appetite” for the right customer that makes them money. For instance, a preferred risk might be between 30 and 50, has no tickets, and has excellent credit. A driver who meets those qualifications receives the best rates and most likely will pay quite a bit less when switching companies.

Potential customers who don’t qualify for the “perfect” profile will be charged a more expensive rate and ends up with business not being written. Company advertisements say “customers who switch” not “people who quote” save that much. This is how insurance companies can make those claims.

That is why you should compare many company’s rates. Because you never know which insurance companies will have the lowest rates.

Additional information can be found on the North Carolina Department of Insurance website through this link. North Carolina consumers can find a variety of consumer forms, read enforcement actions against agents and companies, learn about specific coverages, and file complaints about an insurance agent or broker.

Other informative sites include and this link where you can get more info about Wake Forest coverage.

Best coverage at the best price

Cheaper car insurance is possible on the web as well as from independent agents in Wake Forest, and you need to comparison shop both in order to have the best chance of saving money. Some companies don’t offer you the ability to get quotes online and many times these small, regional companies only sell through independent insurance agents.

In this article, we covered a lot of techniques to reduce car insurance prices online. The key thing to remember is the more price quotes you have, the better your chances of lowering your rates. You may be surprised to find that the biggest savings come from the smaller companies.

People switch companies for a number of reasons such as questionable increases in premium, not issuing a premium refund, high rates after DUI convictions and even policy cancellation. Whatever your reason, choosing a new company can be easy and end up saving you some money.